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Bmw (cars) M57-D30 TU2. Limited impression of available engine part information.
Fuel supply system E46 (spark ignition engines)
1. General
General function description for fuel systems.
2. Parts designation

1. Fuel tank (plastic)
18. Roll-over valve
2. Electric fuel supply pump
19. Float valve (USA only)
3. Surge chamber
20. Fuel filter
4. Pressure limiting valve
21. Pressure regulator
5. Outlet protection valve
22. 3/2-way valve (M52 USA, M73 only)
6. Suction jet pump
23. Fuel rail
7. Tank expansion line
24. Engine control unit
8. Non-return flap
25. Intake manifold
9. Filler pipe
26. Tank vent valve
10. Tank cap
27. Purge line
11. Pressure test line (USA only)
28. Vent line
11. Refueling vent line (worldwide)
29. Vacuum line (LDP USA only)
12. Fuel feed line
30. Evaporation line
13. Fuel return line
31. Carbon canister
M57 D30 Workshop Manual Pdf
14. Service vent line
M57 D30 Workshop Manual
32. Carbon canister (USA only)
15. Refueling vent line (USA only)
33. Leakage diagnosis pump (USA only)
15. Additional vent line (Japan)
34. Dust filter (USA only)
16. Service vent line
35. Tank leakage diagnostic module (USA only)
17. Expansion tank
3. Function description (see also drawing 5.1 / 5.2 / 5.3 / 5.4)
Fuel system
The saddle-shaped fuel tank contains the surge chamber with the electric fuel feed supply pump on its right side.
The surge chamber ensures that the fuel supply pump is properly supplied in all vehicle operating states.
The fuel is repumped from the right side of the fuel tank into the surge chamber via the suction jet pump integrated in
the tank expansion line. The suction jet pump is operated via the fuel feed line.

The pressure limiting valve controls the pressure required to operate the suction jet pump. The outlet protection valve
protects the fuel return line. The valve closes in the event of a pressure drop when the fuel return line is damaged or
This prevents fuel from escaping from the fuel tank in extreme vehicle positions (overturning, inclined position).
The non-return flap prevents fuel from splashing back in the filler pipe after shutdown of the petrol/gas pump nozzle.
Fuel supply to engine:
RA Fuel supply system E46 (spark ignition engines)
15.02.2013 12:06
Issue status (12/2007) Valid only until next DVD is issued
M57 D30 Workshop Manual Download
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